Smartdest H2020 Innovation Camp
The Workshop
July 6, 2023
Fabbrica H3,
Giudecca 624-625 Venice (Italy)
Agenda July 6, 2023
10:30 Registration
11:00 - 11:40 "SMARTDEST project"
Fabio Carrera (SerenDPT sbrl): Welcome from Camp Convener. Greetings of the Authorities.
Antonio Paolo Russo (Rovira i Virgili University): Introduction to SMARTDEST project and Innovation Camp 2023
Erica Mangione (Polytechnic University of Turin): A perspective from Smartdest CityLabs
11.40 - 12:00 Alessandro Costa - Venice Sustainability Foundation (VSF)
"How the VSF plans to address the challenges facing Venice"
12:00 - 13:30 "Exploring the value of social innovation within the context of SMART Urban Governance"
Format: Roundtable + Q&A; Moderator: A. P. Russo
Josep Antoni Ivars (Alicante University)
Tim Fairhurst (ETOA - European Tourism Association)
Petra Stusek (Ljubljana DMO)
Laura Colini (IUAV University of Venice)
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 - 17:00 "Showcase of innovative initiatives for inclusive and sustainable tourist cities"
Format: Individual presentations + Q&A; Introduction by F. Carrera
Barry Rogers (Dublin City Council, Ireland) - "The Smart Tourism initiative" (ONLINE)
Leire Bilbao (Visit Benidorm, Spain) - "Benidorm: a pioneering smart tourist destination on the European scene"
Lucía Hernandez (Oui share, Spain) - "Regenerative Tourism"
Maja Pegan (Rajzefiber by Hiša! , Slovenia) - "Prototyping Lab for Creative Tourism"
Anthony La Salandra (Ca'Foscari University of Venice, Italy) - "A new approach to tourism from a Travel-tech accelerator perspective"
Tadej Rogelja & Rudi Medved (Primorska University FTŠ Turistica, Slovenia/FairBnb, Italy ) - "Fairbnb: Shaping Sustainable & Ethical Tourism practices"
17:00 - 17:30 Smartdest next steps (by A.P. Russo) + Introduction to Smartdest Ideathon (July 7, 2023) by Donagh Horgan
17:30 Aperitif Networking
"SMARTDEST main ambition is to contribute to the definition of a policy agenda for cities that takes tourism mobilities seriously, at all levels of government, and that brings out the potential of social innovation from citizen engagement for more resilient communities. It has thus produced new evidence on how urban inequalities and exclusion are produced, lived, and coped with in cities that are the hub of tourism and other related mobilities, under the pull of city spaces and assets that reorient progressively towards the affordabilities of a transnational mobile class. It has similarly looked into the uneven negotiations that unfold from the digital to the physical and social space, identifying criticalities in the construction of inclusive smart cities. The Smartdest Innovation Camp event, aims to bring together scientists, policymakers, innovation agents and networks, practitioners and researchers in training as an opportunity to present some of the project findings and exploring how such results may inform innovation actions and new initiatives" (A.P Russo, Smartdest Project Coordinator).